By Garnish on Thursday, 06 December 2018
Category: Case Studies



CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science. Australia Telescope National Facility.

Onsite Lockout Tagout Equipment, in particular for Circuit Breakers.


CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science have a long and successful history in the space sector from radio astronomy research, managing complex facilities and observing Earth from above to supporting data and manufacturing supply chains.

CSIRO aspires to ZERO HARM. They are amongst other things committed to:-

CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science have been working with Cirlock and using their products for many years.  Keen to bring all aspects of site safety up to the very latest standards, James Cole introduced a rigorous Lockout Tagout procedure to the company when he joined the management team some years ago.  James had used Cirlock products before in a previous role and knew that the standard of the products was what he was looking for. 

James explained that as well as the products, he insists on using Cirlock for their no fuss approach.  “In our world things get extremely busy and it is important that the process of getting any supplies I need to assist with the operation of the company is made as seamless as possible”.  James went on to say, “I like how easy the sales process is at Cirlock, from initial phone enquiry, to ordering and delivery, it’s just easy”.  James also made comment on the Cirlock website and how he finds this a great tool for browsing what he needs and sourcing the right item for the job.

Unlike some lockout systems that need to be customised for each job, James says he finds the Cirlock products extremely flexible and they can be easily modified to suit. “They are not over complicated and Cirlock products always do what I need them to do without the need for complex modifications.”

We asked James if he had ever had any issues with Cirlock products or their processes and he said he hadn’t.  “On the very odd occasion a product may not be in stock, Cirlock’s communication on delivery times and back-orders is clear and makes planning for what I need easy from my side.”

James Cole holds the Cirlock products in high regard in his industry, where safety is a crucial part of the everyday operation and procedures.  “I will continue to use Cirlock products for all of my Lockout tagout requirements”.

James finished by saying he would be happy to recommend both Cirlock products and service to other industry professionals.



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